Testnet Fall Event
Yesterday I
attended the Testnet Fall Event. It proved to be an interesting as well as a
fun day! For the morning sessions I chose to attend an interactive session
about “The future of testing”. The session started with a couple of PechaKuchas giving the presenters views on the future. After the last Pecha Kucha
the audience could pick the presenter with whom they wanted to discuss a bit more.
Since I liked the presentation about people the best, I ended up with HuibSchoots. We got into a discussion about training and skills needed by people.
The thing I best remember is: you need to take control of what you want to
learn and not wait until others suggest training. The next part of the morning
session dealt with personas, defined by the presenters, which could exist in
the future of testing. Again in little groups, the personas got more depth by
adding why people chose a certain persona. The last part of the, in my eyes
very successful, workshop existed of putting sticky notes with comments to other
personas than you chosen one. Providing extra questions and room to motivate
the personas better.
Next up was a
keynote by a non-tester, Stefan Tilkov. He managed to give a clear description
of the cloud and in the end provided some pointers to testing. The rest of the
day existed of lots of presentations to choose from. I attended a couple and
have learned new views on the world of testing, providing me with a lot of food for thought.
The last session of
presentations contained my own presentation about “How to test an APP”. I
expected only a few people, since my time slot was at the end of the day. That
turned out differently when about 30 people joined my session. The audience was
great! Interested and asking lots of questions.
Between all
sessions there was enough time to talk to friends and meet new people. All the
ingredients for a great day! Thanks to Testnet for facilitating this great
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